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"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision."
Andrew Carnegie
When looked at a close proximity, natural teeth reveal fascinating details enhanced by their optical qualities., like translucency, opalescence, luster, etc. The true art and science of teeth making is to "fool" the ey.e. We accomplish this by creating a natural anatomical form and creating the illusion of the optical qualities of natural teeth. Unlike any other art form, the success of a restoration lies on how well it can mimic natural virgin teeth.
These successful treatments are the result of a very close collaboration between the dentist and the laboratory. When both the dentist and the dental technologist understand what each other needs, our skills can achieve the highest level of excellence. True TeamWork.
All images Copyrighted. Restorations created by Gilbert Young, CDT @ GNS dental studio, Inc.
Three Anterior Restoration Cases and Three different Ceramic Materials...
We do not like to advertise materials. There are many excellent materials, but it is what one does with a particular material that yields the ultimate results.. No medium is better than another, its how you use it.
From top to bottom, feldspathic layered veneers teeth, 8, 9; Layered lithium disilicate teeth 7, 8, 9, 10; Ceramo-metal bridge teeth 7-9. Ceramic system of choice often depends on the type of case, but the esthetic result should be the same... Mastery of the material is a must!
All images Copyrighted. Restorations created by Gilbert Young, CDT @ GNS dental studio, Inc.
HoursM-TH: 9am-5pm
F: 9am-12pm |